Brian A. Tennant, 35, of Waynesburg, Pa., passed away on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at UPMC Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. after a lengthy illness. He was born June 26, 1983 in Waynesburg, the son of Elaine and Bryan Cumberledge of Waynesburg and Duane and Patti Tennant of Carmichaels. Brian began his lifetime of public service by becoming a member of the Waynesburg Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company and worked as an emergency medical technician with EMS Southwest, Waynesburg and Ambulance and Chair Service, Washington, Pa. In 2007, he graduated from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Criminal Justice Training Center and began working as a policeman with the Fallowfield Township Police Department and later with the Waynesburg Borough Police Department.
Brian was elected Sheriff of Greene County in November of 2013 and won reelection in 2017. In addition to his fire company membership, he was a member of the First Baptist Church of Waynesburg, the Greene County Firemen's Association, the Western Pennsylvania Firemen's Association, the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 87, the Pennsylvania Sheriff's Association, the National Sheriff's Association, Waynesburg Lodge No. 153, F. & A. M., Waynesburg Rotary, the Waynesburg Chamber of Commerce, the National Rifle Association, Waynesburg Moose Lodge No. 461 and the Waynesburg and Mount Morris Sportsman's Clubs. Brian was a loving husband, father, son, brother, grandson and uncle and was very proud to serve his community.
On December 28, 2007, he married Jessica R. McMinn, who survives. Also surviving are his sons, Ross Tennant, Blake Tennant, Reed Tennant and Ty Tennant, all at home; two brothers, Brandon Cumberledge of Waynesburg and Derrick Tennant of Carmichaels; a sister, Hannah Cumberledge of Waynesburg; grandparents, Jeanne Songer of Waynesburg and the late John Brown and Ralph and Martha Tennant of Waynesburg, MaryAnne Cumberledge of Waynesburg and the late David Cumberledge and the late Albert and Toots Kingan; his wife's family, father and mother-in-law, Albert and Marsha McMinn of Carmichaels, Pa.; grandmother, Marlene Hardy of Carmichaels; siblings, Michelle Reynolds (Sheldon) of Carmichaels, Jenny Zook of Waynesburg, Shawn McMinn (Barbie) of Jefferson, Pa. and Abby Machesky (Brian) of Waynesburg and many uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces and cousins.
You may read a tribute to Brian in the