Court Reporting Network (CRN) Evaluation
CRN is the Pennsylvania Alcohol-Highway Safety Program’s Court Reporting Network. It is a coordinated and integrated systems approach to the alcohol-highway safety problem and resultant driving under the influence (DUI) countermeasures in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The principal purposes of the Court Reporting Network (CRN) are: to provide a timely, computer-assisted pre-screening evaluation and profile report on all PA DUI offenders prior to disposition; to provide an interactive information system that links the various county DUI programs into a comprehensive statewide network; and to assist directors/managers in the planning, implementation monitoring of their countermeasures programs.
Drug and Alcohol Assessment
This service consists of a two hour assessment. This service may be mandated for anyone who has been charged with two, three, or four DUIs. This service may also be required by the court. A full Drug and Alcohol Assessment is required prior to sentencing if any one of the following applies:
If it is a second offense within the past 10 years
If your Blood Alcohol content (BAC) was .16 or greater
If you refused a (BAC) test
If you tested positive for a controlled substance
If the CRN Evaluation indicated a need for further evaluation for counseling or treatment
Alcohol Highway Safety School (Mandated for all DUI offenders)
This service is arranged after sentencing and consists of approximately 12.5 hours of education.
Based on CRN results and prior DUI history:
Outpatient Treatment: This service consists of two-intake sessions, six group sessions, and one exit session, for a total of 9 sessions/15 hours.
— OR —
Repeat Offender Treatment: This service consists of six group counseling sessions, and one exit session, for a total of 15 sessions/28 hours. Clients may also be mandated to attend AA meetings.
Once you have completed the CRN and Drug and Alcohol Assessment and have been sentenced, you will need to contact the Probation Office at 724-852-5250 to schedule your Alcohol Highway Safety School. Probation will then inform you of your next steps.
For more information regarding DUIs in Pennsylvania, please click the following link for the PA DUI Association:
To read the DUI law in Pennsylvania please click the following link: