Pavilion Rentals

Mon View Pavilions

Pavilions #1, 3 and 7 will hold approximately 100 people.
Pavilions # 2,4,5 and 6 will hold approximately 60 people.
Pavilion # 8 will hold approximately 30 people.

#1 Fireman’s                 $180.00

#2 Greene                      $120.00

#3 Lions                        $150.00

#4 VFW                          $120.00

#5 Gabler                      $120.00                              

#6 Grove                        $120.00

#7 River                         $150.00

#8 Civic                          $100.00

Parks, Pavilions and Pools

Greene County is home to many parks, pools and recreation facilities, all offering residents and visitors numerous spots to spend their leisure time. The department has eight (8) pavilions at Mon View Park in Greensboro, and one (1) pavilion named the Steve McCann, located behind the swimming pool at Wana B Park in Carmichaels. 

Pavilion rentals are available from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Park hours are from dawn to dusk.  

Additional pavilions near parks and pools are available for rent by other organizations.  For Lions Club, Waynesburg near Greene County Water Park, call 724-627-5284; for Wana B Park, Carmichaels, call Cumberland Township Parks and Recreation Board at 724-966-8033; and for Ryerson Station State Park pavilion rental, call 724-428-4254.  

For more information, contact the Department of Recreation at 724-852-5323, or email the Department of Recreation.  All mailing correspondence should be addressed to 107 Fairgrounds Road, Waynesburg, PA  15370.


Pavilions #1, 3 and 7 will hold approximately 100 people.
Pavilions # 2,4,5 and 6 will hold approximately 60 people.
Pavilion # 8 will hold approximately 30 people.

Steve McCann pavilion rental is $160.00 and can accomodate approximately 200 people..

Brochure containing a partial listing of other localparks

Wana B Park Layout

Wana B Park Layout

Mon View Park Layout

Mon View Park Layout