Greene County awarded $576,865 in CDBG Funding
WAYNESBURG – Greene County was recently awarded $576,865.00 in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program. The CDBG Program supports community development activities to build stronger and more resilient communities. Activities are identified through an ongoing process and may address needs such as infrastructure, economic development projects, public facilities installation, community centers, housing rehabilitation, homeowner assistance, etc. This award is the annual entitlement for Federal Fiscal Year 2021.
The entitlement grant provides annual funding to designated municipalities set by Act 179 formula. Applications have been submitted for specific projects. This year’s county allocation of $ 189,545.00 will go toward the Wayne Township Brave Water and Sewage Authority Sand Bed Filtration Rehabilitation project. Cumberland Township will receive $99,792.00 that is planned for housing rehabilitation in Nemacolin. Franklin Township will use their $ 105,624.00 allocation for a water line extension project along School House Road which will serve 7 additional households. Waynesburg Borough will use their allocation of $ 78,070.00 towards Bowlby Library Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility. The remaining $103,834.00 is allocated for administering all projects and federal requirements for the overall program.
Community desires are solicited for CDBG funding requests and the first CDBG Hearing for the 2022 application will be held May 11, 2022 immediately following the Commissioners 10:00AM Agenda meeting. At that time, the Commissioners will accept comments for FFY 2022 Greene County application.
Franklin Township, Cumberland Township and Waynesburg Borough hold separate meetings to accept comments for their portion of funds. Franklin Township’s public hearing will be on May 9, 2022 at 1:30PM in the Franklin Township Municipal Building at 568 Rolling Meadows Road, Waynesburg PA 15370. Waynesburg Borough will hold their hearing on May 9, 2022 at 5:30PM in the Waynesburg Borough Office Building at 90 E. High Street Waynesburg and Cumberland Township’s meeting will be on May 16, 2022 at the Nemacolin Volunteer Fire Company’s social room at 6:00 PM. Public attendance and participation is desired at all CDBG hearings.
The following types of activities may be eligible for annual entitlement funding:
• water and sewer line replacement and improvements
• housing rehab and/or construction of affordable housing
• construction/reconstruction of public/community/ recreational facilities
• public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services
• street improvements
• historic preservation
• removal of architectural barriers
• code enforcement
• economic development including acquisition and relocation, clearance and demolition
• general administration, planning, audit if required, and preparation of the CDBG application
For more information contact the Greene County Planning and Community Development at (724) 852-5260.